近日,全球知名研究机构彭博新能源财经(Bloomberg New Energy Finance)公布2022年二季度全球光伏组件制造商分级评价结果。英利能源成功获评一级组件制造商,再次名列榜单。
英利品牌在全球具有广泛的认知度。凭借多年的技术积累及严苛的质量控制体系,英利产品获得全球范围内的客户信赖。此前在RETC的组件指数报告中,英利成为“最佳表现企业”并于此次再次进入Tier 1梯队时获得“+”标识,展示市场对其产品可靠性的高度认可。
“英利一直以不断的技术进步为客户提供更优质的产品和服务。相信此次名列Tier 1行列,也将提升投资人和市场对英利的信心。”英利能源董事长尹绪龙表示,“英利致力于高效产品的研发和应用。6月英利的熊猫N型高效电池产线将开工建设,我们将打造技术开发与标准制定、质量控制、产业化应用、服务合作四位一体的光伏解决方案”。
Yingli Solar Returns to BNEFTier 1
Yingli Solar,a leading solar energy company, today announced thatithas beenrated as a Tier 1 module manufacturer byBloomberg New Energy Finance in its Q2 2022 publication. The tiering system is developed by BloombergNEF to evaluatemodule manufacturers based on bankability.
Yingli Solarhas earned trust from customers around the world with productstability. InRETC PV Module Index Report, Yingli Solarhas awarded “High Achiever” and remarked “+” inBloombergNEFTiering system, it shows high recognition by the market for the reliabilityof Yingli’s products.
"With continuous technological progress, Yingli has always provided customers with better products and services . We believe that this ranking in Tier 1 will also enhance the confidence of investors and the market in Yingli." Said Mr. XulongYin, Chairman of Yingli, "Yingli is committed to the development of high-efficiencyproducts. Theconstruction of Panda N-type cell production linewill start inJune, and we will a four-in-one PVsolution that integrates technology development and standard formulation, quality control, industrial application, and service cooperative."