the total plant processing capacity is 1200 t/d. 2x600 t/d mechanical grate incineration lines are constructed
据悉,acwa电力公司和total energies可再生能源公司组成了另一个财团,edf renouveables和韩国西部电力公司(kowepo)联合体也提交了投标书。
表1 1960—1980年间220 kv、110 kv线路长度和变电容量不完全统计数据及其增幅概况table 1 incomplete statistics of the total
回本周期维度,换电重卡tco(total cost of ownership)偏高但回本周期最短,充电重卡回本时间略长于换电但tco最低,电动重卡营运成本经济性均显著优于柴油与天然气重卡。
the total design capacity of the project is 500 tons of household waste per day. the related construction
联系人:市生态环境局监测处 屠 骏电 话:23115639电子邮箱
the total household waste treatment capacity of this project is 800 t/d and the construction will be
图1 总负荷变化影响因素fig.1 influencing factors of total load change在图1中,气温主要考虑最高温度、最低温度与平均温度。
the total capacity of the project is 800-ton per day of household waste.the construction of the whole
the total design scale of the project is 300 tons of domestic waste per day, and the supporting construction