The carport before the renovation of Macau Taipa Ferry Terminal is covered with glass on the top surface, which can only play a role in preventing rain, and can not even effectively reduce the temperature in the carport. When the sun is shining, the high temperature will cause certain damage to the car. To this end, the Macao Government Maritime and Taxation Bureau chose Chico to renovate their carport. This project adopts the Chiko aluminum alloy carport bracket system. The electricity generated by this solar power generation system is directly supplied to the internal facilities of the passenger terminal and connected to the public city grid.
After construction, the carport can not only prevent rain, but also effectively reduce the temperature in the carport, and can use solar energy to store electricity. The peak power generation is 860 kilowatts (kW). It will be officially put into power generation and parking vehicles in September 2022. With this cooperation, CHIKO has officially entered the white list of Macao government projects, and will continue to contribute to green energy together with the Macao government in the future.
Let's see how much has changed before and after construction!

在选材上,晨科本着最高品质的原则,支架选用优质主材高级阳极氧化铝AL6500-T5,表面采用阳极氧化12-15MIC,卓越的防腐防锈性能保证其30年的使用寿命;同时,铝材轻便的特点减少屋面荷重,使其安全可靠。最大风速可承载60m/s, 雪荷载能力达1.4KN/㎡。