(中国 苏州, 2013年05月14日) 技术领先的太阳能逆变器制造商--苏州欧姆尼克新能源科技有限公司(以下简称“欧姆尼克”)日前宣布,公司在上海SNEC展会期间隆重推出全球首家内置集成WIFI 监控系统的单相逆变器二代机—先锋者系列。

与以往产品相比,先锋者系列逆变器Omniksol-3.0k/ 4.0k/5.0k-TL2采用了欧姆尼克最新的设计方案,发电效率大幅提升,并可以为用户提供更灵活便捷的远程监控服务。每台欧姆尼克逆变器都设有标准配置的GPRS内置卡,其内置WIFI监控设计确保用户在安装机器的同时,即可通过WIFI 网络实现对整个光伏电站的零成本实时监控,从而解决了“监控难、监控贵”的难题。此项设计填补了光伏行业在这一方面的技术空白,引领了国际市场逆变器的发展趋势。
Omnik Launches World’s First Built-in WIFI Single-phase Inverter-Pioneer Series
Suzhou, China, May 14, 2013--Omnik New Energy Co., Ltd (“Omnik”), a professional solar inverter manufacturer, today announces that it has released newly-developed second generation single-phase inverter using built-in WIFI-Pioneer Series to the market during SNEC 2013 event, which makes it the first company in the world that is able to carry out real-time monitoring without charge taking advantage of WIFI.
With VED-AR-N 4105 certification, Pioneer Series Omniksol-3.0/4.0/5.0K-TL2 presents Omnik’s new accomplishment of technology innovation. Its unique design of built-in WIFI and GPRS enable a way of “plug and play”, providing a solution to the users, by which they can get real-time remote monitoring over the whole PV plant without commissioning and charge.
Besides, Pioneer Series adopts dual MPPT design with more convenient connection access (separately or in parallel) which will greatly reduce adverse interference caused by unfavorable factors such as shading, dust etc.; meanwhile, with a static accuracy of up to 99.9%, MPPT dynamic accuracy will be uplifted to an utmost level, ensuring that the machine can work in maximum power, resulting in an overall performance increase of 20%.
Andy LIU, Vice Sales Director of Omnik, commented, “We are very delighted to introduce Pioneer to serve PV players. Inverter is a crucial part for PV sector and we’ve committed to bringing reliable and high performance products to complete the industry. Pioneer Series is the right one that customers are seeking for. We believe that with this and more customized products, Omnik and its clients will achieve win-win in future.”
About Omnik
Located in Suzhou, China, Omnik is an innovative high technology Sino-German joint venture, specializing in R&D, manufacturing and marketing of PV inverter. Certified by VDE, AS4777, G83/1, ENEL, RD1663 and other international authorities, Omnik inverters are proven to be reliable and well recognized by its clients worldwide. To learn more about Omnik, please visit http://www.omnik-solar.com/.